Our ministries are in place to enhance the worship experience and aid in the spiritual growth of our members, visitors and the community as a whole. We are committed to the task of sharing the love of CHRIST with all who come into our doors. Our ministries are designed to minister to the whole person and meet the challenges of that face the Body of CHRIST.
Opportunities to Volunteer.....

At Magnolia Missionary Baptist Church, we believe in encouraging our members to use their gifts and talents, in conjunction with the vision of the Pastor and staff, to carry out the work of our Lord and Savior. 

Culinary Ministry

We are blessed to offer hot meals to those who are in need in our community.  While we are sharing the Word to feed the spirit man, we are challenged to feed the human body and meet the needs of the whole man.  Volunteers are always welcomed.  Our kitchen is opened to the public each Sunday and Monday at noon.

Media Ministry

Our Media Ministry uses state of the art audio and video equipment to enhance each worship experience.  The Media Ministry works behind the scenes to make it possible to share the message of our church with the community through amplified sound, recordings, Powerpoint presentations and Web page.  They are responsible for all of the technical functions of our congregation.

Music Ministry

The music is one of the first things people notice when they attend a church service.  The style, the instruments and the choice of songs exert  great influence over the audience.  Such an important part of the service is not randomly arranged each week, but I the work of a devoted music ministry.  The music ministry uses music to serve God.

Usher Ministry

Jesus used His disciples as ushers when He sent them to prepare the way for His arrival and in the way they assisted the assembling crowd and directed those in need.  Today, ushers are the door keepers in the House of God and attend and guard the doors at all times during the worship experience.  In addition to their many duties, are one of the first person of church authority one meets as he/she enters the Lord's House.

  Youth Ministry

We envision our students serving Christ as the answer, getting an opportunity to know Him better through worship, small groups and activities.  Students are shown to love God and each other as Christ has loved us and to impact those around them with His love.  Our mission is to reach out to our youth while providing a place of fellowship and growth where we can connect with God, with each other, and the community.

Van Ministry

As part of our outreach ministry, transportation is provided to persons who need assistance getting to church. We regularly provide transportation to Sunday school and the morning worship service as well as our Bible Study. Members of this ministry also provide a valuable service, supplying transportation to and for church wide activities and outings for other ministries. This ministry has been vital in enabling many persons to come to worship and to find Christ.